001package react4j;
003import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
004import javax.annotation.Nullable;
005import jsinterop.annotations.JsOverlay;
006import jsinterop.annotations.JsPackage;
007import jsinterop.annotations.JsProperty;
008import jsinterop.annotations.JsType;
011 * Native interface to native runtime for creating views.
012 */
013@JsType( isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "React" )
014public final class React
016  private React()
017  {
018  }
020  /**
021   * Return true if views should have human readable names specified.
022   * Useful if you want to interact via DevTools or other tool chains.
023   *
024   * @return true to enable human readable names for views.
025   */
026  @JsOverlay
027  public static boolean enableViewNames()
028  {
029    return ReactConfig.enableViewNames();
030  }
032  /**
033   * Return true if the input keys should be minimized.
034   * This will significantly reduce the size of the compiled output but will make inspecting the inputs
035   * in DevTools difficult if not impossible.
036   *
037   * @return true to minimize input keys.
038   */
039  @JsOverlay
040  public static boolean shouldMinimizeInputKeys()
041  {
042    return ReactConfig.shouldMinimizeInputKeys();
043  }
045  /**
046   * Return true if the input value should be validated when initially set or when changed.
047   *
048   * @return true to validate input values.
049   */
050  @JsOverlay
051  public static boolean shouldValidateInputValues()
052  {
053    return ReactConfig.shouldValidateInputValues();
054  }
056  /**
057   * Return true if react state should be used to store debug data.
058   * Useful if you want to inspect the debug data via DevTools. This feature is resource intensive
059   * and should not be enabled in production.
060   *
061   * @return true if react state should be used to store debug data.
062   */
063  @JsOverlay
064  public static boolean shouldStoreDebugDataAsState()
065  {
066    return ReactConfig.shouldStoreDebugDataAsState();
067  }
069  /**
070   * Return true if invariants will be checked.
071   *
072   * @return true if invariants will be checked.
073   */
074  @JsOverlay
075  public static boolean shouldCheckInvariants()
076  {
077    return ReactConfig.shouldCheckInvariants();
078  }
080  /*
081   * WARNING: The following symbols are all imported from react which involves manually patching the js files
082   * for each react release. We do this rather than trying to redefine them as Elemental2 does not correctly
083   * model Symbol and we would still have to use primitive integer abstraction for IE11 anyway.
084   */
085  /**
086   * The Symbol type for Fragments.
087   */
088  @JsProperty( name = "Fragment" )
089  static Object Fragment;
090  /**
091   * The Symbol type for StrictMode.
092   */
093  @JsProperty( name = "StrictMode" )
094  static Object StrictMode;
095  /**
096   * The Symbol type for Suspense.
097   */
098  @JsProperty( name = "Suspense" )
099  static Object Suspense;
100  /**
101   * The Symbol type for Element.
102   */
103  @JsProperty( name = "Element" )
104  static Object Element;
106  /**
107   * Creates a context with specified default value.
108   *
109   * @param <T>          the type of the context.
110   * @param defaultValue the default value.
111   * @return the context.
112   */
113  @Nonnull
114  static native <T> Context<T> createContext( T defaultValue );
116  /**
117   * Return the fiber for current component.
118   * This can return null when not called from within the render method of a component.
119   */
120  @JsProperty( name = "React.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner.current", namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL )
121  @Nullable
122  static native Object currentOwner();