Package react4j

@OmitPattern(type="^react4j\\.[^.]+$",symbol="^\\$clinit$") @OmitPattern(type="^.*\\.React4j_[^.]+$",symbol="^\\$clinit$") @OmitPattern(type="^.*\\.React4j_[^.]+$",symbol="^\\$\\$react4j\\$\\$_storeDebugDataAsState",unless="react4j.store_debug_data_as_state") @KeepPattern(type="^.*\\.React4j_[^.]+\\$Factory$", symbol="^\\$clinit$") package react4j
Core React4j API.
  • Class
    Context is designed to share data that can be considered "global" for a tree of views.
    A Builder for the Consumer component.
    Interface used to type the render function input.
    A Builder for the Provider component.
    A global registry containing the react contexts that have been created.
    Interface implemented by objects so that they can be marked as Input.immutable()
    Native interface to native runtime for creating views.
    Element represents either a view or a host component.
    Union type representing possible output of render method.
    Utility class for interacting with React4j in tests.